Monday, September 17, 2012

Hi.. Gid mournin, Hew aurr ye?

Hmmmm.. So transforming into a Canadian is naat so easy. I used to watch a lot of English movies since my schooling, so I do not have a problem understanding their lingo.

 The days are hectic and I always end up trying to keep myself busy, but in vain. I always have time to sit and think, mostly about the future, my girlfriend, my parents, the squirrels running about, the blonde girl biting on the hamburger, guys talking in deep Canadian accent.. and so on...

 I'm always lost in thoughts. Last week I saw a bird (kinda sparrow) fall from the roof. We guys tried to save it by pouring some water into its beaky mouth. It survived. Then I saw a squirrel (Squirrels here are jet black shiny in color and have a beautiful and gorgeous tail) get run over by a GMC truck. I couldnt save it on time. Poor thing, I was just standing there helplessly, too scared to touch it, afraid it might bite me in its agony.

I walked down to the public beach yesterday. A long half an hour walk. It was good, not like the crowded beaches in India. In case any of you want to open up your mind, or take a swim, or even thirsty, you could come down here and yeah do whatever you want. Its a fresh water lake (people call it beach here, its so large).

The trees and flowers are so so so beautiful, just like heaven on earth. Sarnia is a place everyone should visit before they die, maybe there are other places on earth, but for now, Sarnia it is. Im going to bring my parents and my girl here after I settle down with a good job.

Hmm and what else? Yeah, I made a Canadian friend, his  name being Gus Livingston. He is retired and living with his wife here in Sarnia. He wrote down his number and invited me to come over. I promised him I would drop by on Christmas. Hope he remembers.

In the mean time Im working on my caricatures of people. I bought a sketch book.

My apartment room is a good one. White walls, white carpet all over except the kitchen and the bathroom. I chose to live in the hall, which is the bigggest part of the apartment. And I have access to the balcony too! I chat a lot with the chipmunks from here. I feel comfortable in this part of the apartment, it's a cozy cornerwith all my stuff junked in. I just bought a beautiful mirror and hanged it nearby on the wall. Need to purchase a few funitures to make the room look good. Artful living!

Other than this, I keep saying 'Hi, How are you' to almost every stranger I pass by. I feel good when doing so....

So, How are you today??